Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pay it Forward 2011

I took this from my sis-in-laws page and it sounds like a fun idea!
I promise to send something hand-made to the first five peope who leave a comment here. You must in turn post this on your blog and send somthing YOU make to the first five people who comment on your post. The rules are: the item has to be HANDMADE and must be sent to the five people sometime in 2011. So do it! I can't wait - this could be so fun!

Also send me an e-mail with your address so I can mail it to you! There's nothing better than getting a surprise package in the mail right?! My e-mail is


  1. Um I would love something homemade from you Amanda because you are so stinking talented and cute. And by the way I really miss you and thanks a lot for letting me know that you were leaving the ward you stinker. People ask about you all the time and we really miss you. I'll send you my address, but if you kept the ward roster you should have it, but I'll do it anyway. You rock and I am so excited to do my part of this deal. Thank you for this great idea.

  2. You make the cutest things! I am so excited to receive something from you! I think this will be so fun and I can't wait to pay it on to someone else. :)

  3. I would love to get something from you! I know that you are good at making homemade things! :) And you can comment on mine, if you want, and I will do it for you too!!

  4. yes please pick me! I will probably put this on my facebook instead :)

  5. I would love to do this Challenge. It sounds like fun!I look forward to receiving something special.
