Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bentley: 8 months

Each month seems to fly by so quickly now! I can't believe how much Bentley is learning and growing. More about Bentley this last month:
  • He learned how to crawl and is always on the move now. I have to keep everything off the floor because he will get into it.
  • He pulls himself up to things and at church his favorite thing to do is to walk along the back of the bench. I will try to keep my hand there so he doesn't fall over and he will push my hand away because I guess he thinks he is big enough to do it himself. :)
  • He got sick for the first time. Poor kid was running a 103 fever for a couple days. I felt so bad for the poor boy. I did enjoy the cuddles though since he won't do that at any other time.
  • He loves to feed himself! He is seriously addicted to those baby puff things, or cheerios.
  • He is just barely starting to wear a couple 6-9 month clothes. He is still just a little thing I am working on trying to fatten him up haha but I think he moves so much that he just burns all the calories he eats. 
  • He says mama all the time and I love it!
  • He got in his two bottom front teeth!
  • He has discovered how to click his tongue and he does it all the time. 
  • He is still always such a happy baby I couldn't be more blessed!

Loves to watch tv silly boy

Cuddling when he was sick

Me and Bentley at 6 months we look just a little alike.....